RDN JenMantras for Eating Disorder RecoveryMany of my clients who in recovery from eating disorders ask me about the challenging thoughts they have while they’re eating. Often...
RDN JenSo You're Getting Your Wisdom Teeth OutGetting your wisdom teeth out can be challenging when it comes to food, especially when you may also may be working through eating...
RDN JenChecking Your Insurance Benefits for the New YearHappy holidays! It's that time of year when we get to slow down a bit, begin to plan for a new year, and....what's that...our insurance...
RDN JenHoliday Meals & FeelsBefore stepping out into private practice I used to dream of the projects I'd have more time/flexibility to work on. This year not only...
RDN JenDear Secondary Teachers: You Can Prevent Triggering an Eating DisorderDear Educator, Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Jen and I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and I specialize in working with people...
RDN JenHoliday Tips for Those Living with DiabetesWhat is Diabetes? Really generally Diabetes refers to a disease state where the body has a disconnect in converting food to fuel. Type 1...