I love reading and I love learning - what a great combination for World Book Day, celebrated on April 23rd (as my Kindle app told me)! Below are some of my favorite books that I've read over the past year or so that are related to nutrition, mental health, therapy, and recovery. I do want to give a trigger warning for all of them - there are mentions of trauma, weight stigma, and mentions of disordered eating or nutrition practices that I don't always agree with - however I learned a LOT from each and every one of them. I am also giving you a sneak peek as to what is on my list in the future, in case you want to ask me about them moving forward.
What I Would Recommend:
What Happened to You? by: Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey
Who is Wellness For? by Fariha Roisin
You're Wearing That?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation by: Deborah Tannen
Good Morning Monster by: Catherine Gildiner
Queen Bees & Wannabes by: Roaslind Wiseman
French Kids Eat Everything by: Karen Le Billon
What Is Next On My List:
(As I haven't read these yet, I can't offer a trigger warning.)
Internal Family Systems Family Therapy, 2nd e by: Richard C. Schwartz and Martha Sweezy
The Wellness Trap by: Christy Harrison
Permission to Eat by: Libby Parker
Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture by: Virginia Sole-Smith
Faithful Anti-Racism by Christina Edmondson and Chad Brennan
Fearing the Black Body by: Sabrina Strings